Charles Robinson

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since Sep 23, 2012
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Missoula, Montana
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Recent posts by Charles Robinson

You probably all know this already but. When traveling away from home and you are worried about your plants not being watered. Get some thick wool yarn, soak it so it's wet push one end into the soil and the other in a pot filled with the amount of water you need. Make sure the soil is quite moist before you insert the wet yarn. Then when you are gone, it will wick into the soil as needed
5 years ago

The link below shows this new Honey Bee Hive invention that allows you to harvest the honey when it's ready without taking the hive apart. Very cool!
8 years ago
Hey, I heard you guys there - on whatever you call your ranch there. Anyway, I did listen to a pod cast where you folk on the "permies ranch" were having dinner and discussing how you built a permies pond and earth wall and all the necessary stuff so you can grow Lemon trees out side. Now, I do have an understanding that Paul is VERY particular in HOW plants are planted ect.

Here is the question of this post, I have a three year old lemon tree that I grew from seed in a pot in my apartment. I would like to have it be able to live outside. Would you have any interest - or be willing - to let me plant this tree in your lemon tree area, even though it would of course be transplanted instead of growing there from seed? You mentioned Paul, that you wanted a contest this summer where people would plant both grown tomato plants and tomato plants from seed to compare how each fared. Though, I imagine you would rather have lemon trees growing on your property started from seed, rather than having a lemon tree transplanted. But perhaps planting this tree that I've grown in my apartment could demonstrate the difference between transplanted trees and tree grown from seed.

It would be cool to see this tree grow huge. Let me know if you'd be willing to adopt this tree on your - whatever it's called - warm climate fruit tree pond place.

These "Happy" videos look pretty spontaneous to me. I don't know that it would need involve a big production. That was an awesome video! Thanks!
I don't know that Missoula Tourism would pay for a bunch of people dancing around Missoula, Ha. It is an interesting idea though.

Someone did a video of the GMO protests in Missoula. They could do a good job as well.
11 years ago
I don't know if you are aware of the trend happening with you tube videos of people dancing to the Pharrell Willams song "happy". They are people promoting their cities while dancing to the song. I thought of filming one in Missoula, but since Paul and his crew do such a good job on videos, and Paul is so pro Missoula, I thought someone could come up with one for Missoula. Paul could even dance in it, if he was up for it. Check out Happy in Amsterdam, Happy in Kelowna, Happy Pharnell Williams, Happy, pick a country. Peace!

11 years ago
Wow to eat a whole forest? That sounds filling.
To learn how to help support oneself and also work with natural life on our Planet, now that's the way to live!
12 years ago
I goofed. I didn't read the email correctly and sent a notice that I didn't want emails on this subject. I do!. I do want to receive emails regarding this topic. OOPS!