Grant Fulcher

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since Nov 20, 2012
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Thanks for the reply's everyone, the shock collars are helping and ill be putting up an electric fence as soon as i can afford it!!
12 years ago
Have yall had success with teaching 2 yr old dogs not to kill poultry, when my cur see's them get scared and fly away she kills them and it almost made me kill her last night. Sigh. Id perfer to train this one instead of raise a puppy around them since she is a great hog hunting dog and I dont want to loose her or train another. She will already kill any varmits in the yard, so if I could just get her away from my poultry it would be the best of both worlds, esecially if i accidently leave the fence open.
She is a 45 lb little BMCur dog and I have shock collars.
12 years ago
As long as their is no draft rabbits can handle negetive 20 degrees F with no additional heat. If a draft is present the low 50's can be hard on them, when its windy and cold I usually throw in a nesting box since wind gets under my cages. I had a lady who couldnt cull one of my rabbits to eat so she put it in her freezer and two days later opened it up and the rabbit was still alive! I bonked it in the head and told her not to be

possibly ck for any type of mice/rat feces getting into the hay? I had some cattle grade hay kill off a few since it sat on the ground, horse grade is safer for rodent free feed but your orgainic hay should be fine.. ugh

How do you keep yours together, mine will fight if not seperated.
12 years ago

mick mclaughlin wrote:A dog that has breeding to run game up a tree and stay there. I hunt racoon, squirrels and bobcats with my dogs, in addition to their homesteading duties!

Bmc's are primarily bay dogs, i believe. All dogs have some ability to bay or to tree, but many have had that ability enforced, through selective breeding.

Same with retrieving, herding etc.....

I became interested in mountain curs, through hunting. I kept them, and became enamored with them, because of their versatility.

Honestly, i cant afford a dog now, that doesnt pull it's weight.

Thats correct. The BMC's are mostly for baying rank cattle or larger game like hogs but there are lines like "ladner" who have bred for treeing. IMO the mountain curs are great dogs, both have their advantages but are very similar. Hunting bobcat sounds fun! Those earlier pics are of BMC's, except for that pit caught on the ear, the yellow dog baying in the back is though, thats just an old one who's black muzzle turned gray lol
12 years ago
For what its worth I have some decent experience in this subject. As said above any dog can do it but some are easier to train than others. IMO the size is not what matters but they need to be game enough to kill a coyote or fox etc and smart enough to bay a pig or bear. My bulldogs would catch a hog or bear, you would never hear them bark and they would die of heat stroke etc. A good cur will bay for hours and has the sence to know when to kill vs bay. I like that b/c you can come shoot or catch the predator.

12 years ago
I breed a old line of black mouth curs. There about 60 lbs and are excellent workers. they naturally protect and will work cattle etc

Its similiar to the mountain cur mentioned above
12 years ago
I have had quite a bit of trouble finding organic feed for my meat rabbits. Coyote creek in Austin Tx 512-285-2556 is the only place I have found that offers a product thats organic similiar to pellets. I have to pay 150 for shipping with a 500 dollar minimum order. Other than what I grow in my greenhouse AQ is there any other spots yall use??
12 years ago

Michael Radelut wrote:Did the vet say whether it has something to do with the flooring material, or is that something which occurs naturally ?

It can just happen naturallly. I think the poster is right on, get the kits weened then mom is soup, its all you can do that makes any logical sence.

How long until kits are weened, 3 weeks old?

If its a chronic problem you can add in some bone meal or other raw bone supplement. I use cyrofood or calcifood powder from standard process. A little goes a long way. ACV is helpful as well.

If these are meat rabbits please consider going GMO free or organic. Coyote creek in Austin is the only place I have been able to find organic rabbit food that comes in bags like pellets

12 years ago
I just put bleach in there water once or twice a year, seems to keep them worm free. After they have drank the diluted bleach water I give them fermented foods or add a pro biotic to there water for month or so to rebuild the good flora ... works for me but im no expert.
12 years ago

Tyler Ludens wrote:I'm extremely happy with my Cochin Bantams which I purchased as chicks from Murray McMurray Hatchery a couple years ago. This past year they hatched out many chicks, some bantams and some from my larger hens, with great success raising the babies. The only problem with these birds is they are really tiny, they may be among the smallest if not the smallest breed of chicken, so they don't make much of a meal if you want to eat them. "Take two, they're small."

Do you think they would brood my quail eggs? I know raising chickens with quail is not smart but I was thinking of putting 1 Bantam in my quail pen to avoid using an incubator when raising my meat chicks...
12 years ago