I live in a rural development with about one/third acre of space. I have always loved to garden and this place was like a life-long dream come true, even though the house was surrounded with very tall evergreen trees blocking most of the sunlight. Over the past ten years I have gradually cleared a lot of the trees to make room for gardens. The soil is very rocky but also fertile from the trees. Lots of rain/snow is normal but with good drainage. Sunlight is a precious commodity. Before I even heard of permaculture, I planted about 10 fruit trees, 11 blueberry bushes, and constructed raised vegetable beds in the traditional manner. Last spring I added a couple of ducks for eggs and to take care of the slug population.
Now, realizing how precious food is becomming, I have decided to finish clearing the lot, even though I have loved having the front part left natural, and there is one big Douglas Fir very close to the house which I have considered my friend. My ex-logger neighbor laughed hysterically when I said that tree made me feel happy. Oh well…
Last summer we dropped about six trees which managed to destroy the raised beds, took all my time and energy to get the firewood hauled/stacked, so little gardening happened. So much of the ten years hard work will be obliterated with this process since they will bring in big equipment and pull the stumps. The end result will, however, be a relatively level, open to the light place to grow food for me, the ducks, and other critters. My learning about permaculture provides solace for what I lose in this process, along with a huge challenge which I will enjoy.
So, as you might guess, I will have many questions as I move ahead.
Thanks for being here,