John, a slower glycemic response doesn’t mitigate the harm of total insulin release in a person who has insulin resistance. I don’t know if insulin resistance is the problem in this case; it might be or might not be. For a sensitive person, it’s possible very small amounts of simple carbohydrates are problematic.
As for nutrition, I don’t believe the nutrition in a bowl of oatmeal can’t be found elsewhere. Many whole foods including oatmeal, contain a variety of vitamins and minerals. For the case in question, a seemingly intractable condition, why not test out a diet different to what he has been consuming to date? Complete nutrition can be found in foods other than wheat or carbs or whatever. The poor guy needs alternatives and a change in diet, whatever it might look like for him, may be useful, if he hasn’t given single food (or class of foods) elimination a try.
Mrs. skeptic was looking for ideas and I don’t believe mine is radical. What do you suggest for this case, other than a criticism of my idea?