Adam Moore

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since Apr 24, 2013
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Mansfield, Ohio Zone 5b percip 44"
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Recent posts by Adam Moore

In my garden I grow hardneck garlic to store and break off the scapes to use. But in my Zone 2 and beyond I plant garlic around for diversity and let it grow wild. Now all the scapes have turned to seed. I eat the seeds sometimes but was wondering if anyone else uses them. I was thinking of drying them out and grinding them into like a garlic powder. Thoughts? The seeds have a strong garlic taste. I am thinking the seeds would have a longer shelf life than garlic but not sure about the nutritional value.
6 years ago
I was thinking the same thing and was about to post a similar question before I saw your post. I am also ready to make the jump into drip irrigation but I am concerned about the same thing, the longevity of the system. Not sure what to start with that wont start breaking the month after I put it in?
8 years ago
I have three children with my oldest heading to college next year. They have never been in government or private schools. My wife has done an awesome job homeschooling them all these years. She does the majority of the work. I work a lot of hours so we can live on one income. Definitely worth it though. The sacrifices are worth it and I would do it again. My son has a full ride on an academic scholarship so homeschooling really does "work". Hope this encourages someone out there.
8 years ago
Looks great! I also use improved strawberry plants as ground cover under my currants and gooseberries. In one of your pictures I see violets. I had a problem with them drowning out my strawberries this spring. I got behind on my thinning. I love violet flowers in my salad but had to dig a bunch out, deep roots. I would rather have more strawberries than violets lol.
I started Goji Berries indoors from seeds I bought on Ebay. I planted them in the spring of 2014. About half sprouted but almost all of them survived once I planted outside. This fall a few of them actually had a few Goji Berries. I was surprised they fruited in the fall. I planted them in nice garden soil but also in the dirt under a coniferous bush I cut down and I didn't notice any difference in growth. I did try to transplant a few this spring but they died right away. So maybe they don't transplant well. I planted them all in full sun. Hope this helps!
9 years ago
Looks great. Love the pond.
10 years ago
Sheri, thank you for posting about your pond. It motivated me to finally try it. I have a back corner of my yard that was clay after I dug out 8 inches of topsoil. I dug out a 5' x 10' rough hole 3 feet deep. Filled it with water and waited for two weeks to see if it would hold. It did so no liner! I used the extra dirt to cover some hugle mounds to add some texture around the ponds. It turned out great after landscaping it. Thanks again for the inspiration!

10 years ago
I started mine indoors before planting in the spring and they only grew to about 18 inches also but very thick.
10 years ago
Hi Dan, we are getting our first hard freeze tonight also. This was the first year I grew Lovage and I love it. One of my favorite herbs now. So far I have used it in soups and a bit in stirfry. I also like to pick and eat some when I come home from work. I plan on never buying celery again and just use Lovage. My neighbor is from Norway and recognized the plant right away. He said he grew up on Lovage soup. I'll have to ask him more details on the recipe.
10 years ago