Larry Ng

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since Jun 25, 2013
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Opps wrong video. This is the semi portable heater for his rental exhaust out the window.

11 years ago
Berry you might want to try this but burn wood instead of oil.

This is what it was before hooking up to window as a rocket stove, then morphed into a wall heater.

Hope this help. His other videos are great with water heat storage.
11 years ago

You only looked at the second video and were the heat is taken from the system. The TWO video links show the concept of thermo siphon, no mechanical moving parts, so no electricity needed for system to work. You will not freeze if you do not have POWER, like in a winter storm, as long as your water did not freeze because water is your heat storage median. The heat is siphon off the top the barrel in this rocket fireplace and you only need to load it once an hour, unlike a 6" system 15 minutes, that this rocket fireplace replace. The author of this video did a concept build and and state that he would build a 16 in feed system next time with 25 feets 1/2 cooper coil to get better heat transfer from the to of the barrel. Here is the video link for the coil at the top of the barrel being build. Part 4 of the build. The working thermo siphon is in part 7
11 years ago
Jeremy did you want to extract heat from the stove and store the heat in water then pump the water to radiator in different part of your house? If that is what you want to do this video might help, it is the last parts of the build. you might want to see the other parts. Here is another video on a working thermo siphon system, it is at 9:20-9:40 minutes of the video
11 years ago
Go to this link for heat storage other than mass , His other video is good and show how water is a better heat storage than mass. open system not closed so no boom!!
11 years ago
Carter look at the clay portion of this link for the reason not to use blue clay
11 years ago