To Ma

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since Jan 30, 2014
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Ditto what John said...

Shiitakes are much harder to keep running...they are quite a bit pickier than oysters and other more adaptive and aggressive mushroom species.
you can easily keep your oyster kits mycelium running by transferring the mycelium to a new medium when it's finished fruiting.
Oyster mushrooms also re-grow from the stem butts....wrap them in damp cardboard or even a damp hessian sack and away they go!
11 years ago
Thanks for the resources Cj. I do love growing mushrooms!
11 years ago
pretty old original post...but seeing it's being revived just wanted to chime in my appreciation too!
Really loved your podcasts with Geoff Lawton, what a legend!
11 years ago
really looking forward to seeing this one in all it's glory!
brilliant work on the seeing the animations especially as I much work goes into them
nice looking beds chris!
I've only had experience with in-ground huglekultur, hand dug in heavy clay!
In hindsight it would have been much better to just build them on top instead of digging them in as there was problems with drainage in
our wet winters.

It probably depends on the soil make-up.
11 years ago
great post! I love the low-tech mycoremediation ideas. Turkey tail is very easy mushroom to get growing
11 years ago