Hi, there. My partner and I are in the first stages of planning an earthbag house. We're very interested in earthbag technique because of its low cost, ease of building, low environmental impact, and insulation properties. However, we currently live in the Tennessee Valley, which gets a considerable bit of rain, so we will probably end up doing a traditional roof rather than the dome shape that otherwise interests us. Along with that, we are concerned about any kind of plaster or stucco we might make without professional help being too susceptible to the elements. Because of this, and because my partner and I both like the look and low maintenance of traditional (in the US, anyway) brick houses (not adobe brick), we were considering whether it would be possible or desirable to brick the earthbag house. I have done some cursory research, and it seems that professionally done stucco is just as or more expensive than brick, and is prone to cracking over the long term, needing a considerable bit of maintenance- I can't find any information on bricks for an earthbag house, though. I assume this is because most people who do earthbag houses are trying to use natural, local materials, which is awesome, but I want to make sure that the house is low maintenance for future cost purposes, and attractive for my partner's benefit (even if we can't brick it right away).
Two questions, in summary:
1) is it possible to traditionally brick an earthbag house?
2) is this desirable from a practical standpoint (will the bricks leech moisture into the earth and require extra precautionary measures, for example)?