Greetings everyone!
I have been offered the chance to develop a property using permaculture techniques and could use some advice before I step up to bat.
The property is located in Bay St. Louis Mississippi. There looks to be a lot of sand. Also near a brackish bayou with nearby access to the Gulf of Mexico.
I was living in New Orleans for two years and northern Louisiana another three before that. I am familiar with the south and enjoy the warmth and bugs. No worries there!
A good friend if mine owns the property and wants to see it put to good use.
He will allow me to use the land - in exchange for a profit share once it is established. He is thinking animal husbandry, I am thinking fruit, nut and vegetables. Incorporate rabbits and chickens in the mix as well. Agroforestry if possible.
I am posting a google map link to the property. I have not been there. You can see there is sand and not much agriculture in the area.
Is this a pipe dream folks?,Washington+St+%26+Chapman+Rd,+Bay+St+Louis,+MS+39520,+USA&gl=es&ei=cfZ9U6_dI-iL0AWOuIDYDQ&ved=0CCoQ8gEwAA
This is the google maps image of the property.
It is the triangular section (32 acres) to the bottom right of the intersecting roads. Yes, that big sandy triangle. A pond. Houses to the north. Zoned agricultural.
What do we think can be done with this property?
I have experience raising poultry and rabbits, growing small gardens and have been diligently studying permaculture. Now is the time to get my hands dirty, but is this property simply too demanding of resources? What steps can I take? Too much sand and salt?
Thank you so much for your time.
I am currently living in Spain, as a legal resident. Starting to miss the states again and I have this opportunity.