We have just bought the property next to ours. 2.4 acres, rural, driveway in and power to the lot line. No well. The lot had been logged once but we have some nice clumps of second-growth timber. The rest was all 10 feet deep (literally ) in Himalayan blackberry canes, which we have flattened as much as possible by driving over them repeatedly with a pickup and trailer. 90% of them are now crispy brown and lying down
We are located half-way between Courtenay and Nanaimo on Vancouver Island, B.C. Hubby and I are big fans of permaculture, growing things, alternative building and off-grid living. Trouble is we have equity but very little cash flow. We need to generate some income from this lot, or sell.
If there is anyone in our area or thinking of locating to it that would like to possibly lease from us, partner to start something up, or maybe even buy.....we are open to any and all (legal) possibilties. If we have to sell, we would rather have neighbors with similar interests than someone just wanting to build a million dollar show-home. It is a beautiful spot, and we hope to keep it that way.