Myself and many others were given the ol' boot on Friday. It was not anything really that I was not expecting. With the erratic markets and powers at be being stubborn with passing any legislation that would allow oil & and LNG exports, and the price per barrel going south-the mass layoffs in the industry is a sure thing. It being that I have felt like I have been selling my soul, knowing first hand what's happening to the water table in the region (everything south of US 90) due to the thousands of wells, I see this as a blessing and I feel liberated. No more, will I have to put up with the political crap and incompetent jack wagons. Knowing what I know and having the abilities to be able to bypass using fossil fuels for transportation, heat, and power- I can say that fossil fuels are not necessary and never have been. The same goes for anything and everything that is synthetic and what I call hybrid fertilizers ( the bags say organic but there's always a twist).
I've been blessed with a green thumb and the ability to produce without relying on any outside influencers. I was blessed to be brought up around great grandparents and grand parents that knew and taught me of the olds ways of preserving, growing, building, etc. I've been waiting for quite a while now to reconnect and live within creation, in the ways that was intended for all of us. Looking back now, I realize that I did not have to wait. But, I bought into the system like many others and lived within the man made, fabricated world. Out of that world, I have every tool to build a house, weld any structure, and I am well versed in the uses of all pre-industrial age tools.
I began learning all things electrical when I was 12. I am a electrician, an electronics and instrumentation technician, and I have my EE. So, I'm about to make a cash purchase on some property north of Uvalde, Tx with live springs flowing on it and with river bottom. My place here is set and I might be crazy for starting over again but the area is turning into a subdivision and it's too close to San Antonio. People are buying up all of the land around here and the first thing that they do is bulldoze everything that grows on it. SMH. I never grew up in a suburban or city lifestyle. So, it makes no sense to me of what such types perceive as necessary; Much can be said about common sense. I had a new neighbor meet me at the fence line today to introduce himself. He ask why am I producing so much and I began to tell him. He began to snicker and proceeded to tell me that there is a grocery store down the road and shopping is easier than what I am doing. Ok, folks-with that being said, I need not to go any further as to why I need to be in the middle of no where; When such types ( the majority of people) begin to starve and rob people like me who are in too close of a proximity to these idiots, I want to keep my usage of lethal defense at minimum. I have worked with such types for years. Had such types taking away from me for years. Corporate types, sheeple, whatever the label of choice is, I'm done with it. I'll be 40 next month and I have wasted enough of my life.
Anyhow, I'll be looking for some like mind, hardy and resilient people soon to build a small, self-sustained community. But if your an anti gun type, either change your philosophy or don't come. Everyone needs the capability and mindset to defend each other within the community.