When a calorie of food comes from a nut tree in a perennial polyculture there is a Carbon Sequestration number calculated based on Carbon locked up in soil OM. However, are there calcuations that take into account the carbon emission offset that is created when that calorie replaces a calorie produced in carbon emitting ag, like industrial annual mono-cropping? Or do the various carbon sequestration numbers for various practices take this into account? I know that this is a slippery number, as every calorie has a different carbon number (+ or -), but perhaps an average conventional ag calorie C# can be assumed and utilized?
I feel that without taking this into account we are vastly under-estimating carbon farming's potential climate impact.
Secondly, if we are carbon farming wood for calories AND for heating, the same offset calculation should be utilized, every BTU of wood heat is offsetting a BTU of methane.