Stanley smigel

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since Jun 28, 2017
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Recent posts by Stanley smigel

Hey reach out ,
I’m interested ,I live and co founded the wildcooperative in western Colorado , been here for 12 yrs….still searching for a third partner ,but in the meantime I would love to help others esp in the winter , Im snowed out
2 months ago
Hi Jen,
I’m interested in coming down and lending a hand . I founded and live with my ex at the wild cooperative in western Colorado . we have a Facebook page as well . We are an intentional community and permaculture education and demonstration site .Been at it for 12 yrs ,built everything here including all the infustucture … looking to experience other communities and projects
Moyessport at gmail
3 months ago
Check out the wildcooperative in Crawford colorado . We are an intentional community and permaculture education and demonstration site in western colorado
2 years ago
Hey Dave ,
Check out the wildcooperative in Crawford colorado . They are a intentional community and permaculture education and demonstration site in western colorado.
2 years ago
We have created an intentional community and permaculture demonstration site in western Colorado
We are looking for hard core off grid farmers to goin our residence ( one of three)
We offer ownership at half the realestate vaule in exchange for taking over our annual gardens and growing our food for us and allowing stay on the land for the rest of our life
Some of the money we receive will go into more infustructure ,including ponds,buildings,tress ,etc

We also have one opening for another residence ,that spot has water /septic and is ready for someone to build there own residence ,this building site is approved and recorded with the county . There are no building codes so you can be creative . There are plumbing and electrical and health codes .

This community is in service to earth and we are changing our lives from human centric to biocentric where all life is part of our relatives and family

This not an escape from reality or a financial investment !  for more detailed info

2 years ago
We land in western Colorado with 3 approved building sites . The land Is at 7000 ft ,south facing ,good soil and water . You can view us at
We have on site left for someone that wants to build their own home  130,000 dollars
we are open to sharing our site and home with the right partners that cannot afford to buy in . Preferably experienced farms to take over our food production in exchange for a great place to live . We are open minded and open to discussion .
Please email moyessport@
Thank you ,stanley
2 years ago
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My wife is vegan and I am not . While we both have mixed feeling about raising animals for economic gain . we are both fine with hunting and and ethical treatment of animals
We have a great spot in western colorado
6 years ago
My wife and I are creating a permaculture homestead ,education and demonstration site in western colorado . Gently sloping south face , with irrigation ,domestic water and a community building .
There are no building codes here and its a great place for earth shelter homes , close to the organic hub of western colorado
Find us at
7 years ago