Ed Benfer

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since Apr 29, 2018
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Hi, i'm interested. i'm older and retired and have income. i have lived in Woodland park and worked in the Springs area but am not sure where exactly your located.. i also lived many years in an off grid cabin in N. Idaho and NW Montana so that doesn't bother me. i was in on the early wind and panel with batteries and inverter movement . i hunt, forage, fish, and grow most all my food and did so in Id and Montana. if i sound like someone you wouldn't mind being around, lets talk. Ed
4 months ago
can an old guy with a bad back and knees attend boot camp ?
4 months ago
Hi,, i'm wanting to use rmh's in a couple of simi dugouts in the mountins and the largest is 12x16 inside,,i want to use with a bench but think the 6 in i have plans for is way to much for them,,does anyone know of a rmh with bench system useing 4 or 5 in pipe insted of 6 and for a smaller dwelling ?? thanks for any info.. Ed
5 years ago
Hi Paul,, didn't see this till today and thought i'd say hello and ask a question,,,, i'm setting up a couple of small dugout style places in the backcountry and wanted to use the RMH with bench's to heat the places but the largest one is only going to be about 12x16 inside ,, a 6 in rmh would be way to much,, has anyone set up a 4 or 5 in. with a bench for small cabins and if so , can you give me contact info to get a hold of them thanks,,Ed
5 years ago
Thanks for the response guys... It's the first time i've ever posted a questin on here and have recieved tons of info most appreacitvly from a lot of good folk's around my own age,,,  right now i'm at the folk's place in kansas but the kid's and grandkid's are trying to convince me to move to central iowa insted of going back to my place in nw montana,,  iowa does have a longer growing season and milder winters but i sure miss the high country...Ed
Hi Paul,,,lately i've been being flooded with people trying to sell me books on survival gardning , starting with food forest's and raidiating out through zones of berries , root veggies, then other anuales,,,[ sorry bout the spelling] ...My question is ,,being over 60 years old, how long do you think it would take to be able to start harvisting  a food forest??? if it take's 15 or more years for the fruit and nut trees to mature and start produceing. there's a good chance that i'd never live to see them produce...Ed Benfer
Hello,,do you still have it and if so where is it located,,I'm in eastern Kansas...Ed Benfer