Dan, I had a similar reaction when receiving my Baker Creek catalog too a few weeks ago. I wanted to plant Job's Tear for the "beads" so I was excited. Then I was very intrigued that it is used for food. I began my research using all the various names I was coming across. I have some "beads" from a broken necklace. My husband used pliers to crack one open. The little morsel of meat had a pleasant nutty grain flavor. Knowing it cracked like a pecan, I began looking for dehullers. What I found designed for this pretty plant is in China either commercially or expensive individual units from the Larger brand in China. That was not what I wanted. Evidently, the US is behind in creating grain processing appliances for the homestead. I say all this to say one company, Grainmaker, does have a dehuller and Mills for home use. It is a little pricey, but selling beads, jewelry, and flour from this cute little grain may recoup the cost. Also, upon reading further, it seems all seed bearing plants are prohibited from entering the US due to possible invasiveness and disease. All foods containing seeds are also irradiated at customs port of entry to prevent growth and possible contamination. It's possible my facts are wrong but that's what I found this far. Hope it helps! From a soon to be homesteader.