Hi guys, my name is Constance.
A few years ago I posted on this forum, stating my desire to start a community permaculture garden-farm in my mother's village in Papua New Guinea.
I did not make any headway at the time. But fast forward to this year, My family and I had the opportunity to make a start on the land.
Here's a link to some photos:
It's small, and has only recently been initiated. But I have the potential to claim around 25 hectares of land for it (given I write a good proposal and present it to my clan members)
My main objective is to help drive sustainable change in my village back home, I have a small write up here in my go-fund me link if you'd like to read:
I have come here to seek help or to direct me to resources, and potential funding sources. I really don't know much technically about regenerative gardening, specifically permaculture, or gardening for that matter. Though much of it feels intuitive in the sense that it truly runs in the blood any Papua New Guinean. (90% of PNG's are subsistence farmers). Needless to say, I really don't have the brains to direct or run a permaculture-garden farm and this is possibly the best solution for all the problems that are manifesting back home right now.
I would love to source people to come and help, who are interested in community building, are culturally sensitive, problem solvers, genuinely interested in learning about Papua New Guinea. There is a massive cultural breakdown in my village, post-colonisation, and due to its proximity to Port Moresby (the capital city). This has resulted in a very broken culture, not dissimilar to many other indigenous cultures around the world. There is plenty of land, but our government is very corrupt and access to education is limited.
I realise this is a massive undertaking, but as they say "It takes a village".
I am looking to collaborate and facilitate!
I am going back to PNG in a week and will continue working on the garden, you can follow the journey here at this link:
I share an account with my 3 "sisters".