Hi everyone, I have three roosters. One is three years old and the other two are about 22 months old. I have a flock of fifteen hens who range from 15 months to 30 months. They are all in their prime. All the hens are laying regularly, and the roosters are seen mounting on them regularly. However, I just got an incubator and started candling the eggs and they are zero for twenty so far. Twenty eggs, zero fertilization. These roosters are active. If you watch them for ten minutes, they are getting up on the hens, and they seem to be spreading the love pretty liberally, not just one or two favorite hens. The hens are Rhode Islands and sex links.
I have not lost a bird, ever. They get fresh water and plenty to eat everyday with scraps and other specials, and all seem totally healthy, with no interruptions in laying or any other sign of trouble.
The older rooster is a bantam and he is about three years old while the other two are 22 months. They respect him and he is the clear leader of the flock, despite being tiny. The other two are Rhode Island Reds, and they are at least three times bigger than him. They mount the hens constantly, and he never does, but he is the only one who crows. The big ones do all the mating but never crow, and they are passive around him and back away when he is nearby. I have never seen any of these roosters fighting. They are not aggressive against me, nor one another, ever. Are they all low T? What's up?
I am wondering if it is possible that the little bantam's presence there is discouraging them from actually doing the deed. They are clearly mounting up, but maybe not actually penetrating? Is that a thing? Is their respect for his leadership keeping them back? Is that a thing?
Today I removed the little bantam to see how the flock dynamics change, and I plan to keep candling all the eggs to see if I get any fertile.
Has anyone ever encountered this kind of problem?