I noticed the most difference after I did a 12 week on line Introduction to Permaculture course with Milkwood here in Australia. I already composted but not to the extent that I did after the course. So all food scraps go in the compost. We also have a worm farm which is an extension of our food scraps and cardboard waste recycling. Drinking bottles go off to the bottle banks and we get 5 cents back on the elegible bottles. All others go into the fortnightly recycle bin. Cardboard that I can't use goes into the fortnightly recycle bin also. All soft plastics go to Red Cycle - most supermarkets have drop off points. I do have to get better at re using left overs - my biggest failing but am working on that one. I have noticed for the last 6 months that the garbage/rubbish. bin is never more that half full, if that, when it goes out once a week. It would probably last two weeks before emptying if I didn't put it out for pick up. We are moving shortly to a new house and there is still a lot of building going on around us. I have already started recycling building waste from other house skips and storing it in our shed for when I am ready to make bigger compost bins and chicken runs etc.