Jamie Craig

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since Jan 27, 2024
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Hi Saana,

Thanks for your reply. I suspected as much. I've seen videos and websites with successful geothermal systems in Canada, where the temperatures are a lot colder than we get in Finland, but they get a lot more light, being a lot further south (Southern Canada). Do you think the light makes the difference?

I guess, in Finland, we just have to accept that the greenhouse gets some downtime in the winter.

Hope your greenhouse makes its way out of the garage soon, maybe this spring?

1 year ago
Hi. I came across this forum and thread when searching for how viable a geothermallly heated greenhouse is in Finland, where we live. We've had unheated, summer season, greenhouses in Finland for years but have been considering the geothermal option for our next one. So, and this is really directed to Saana, do you know of geothermal greenhouses that actually work in Finland? Do they keep the temperature above 0 all year round? If so, I'd love to know where I could get more details, or who to contact for more details. Any advice appreciated. Thanks. Jamie
1 year ago