Kaarina Kreus wrote:I would think 15 feet is just fine. I would not clump them together, as that will become a huge prickly blob that only knights in shining armour can enter. Mine form a hedge alongside the vegetable garden.
If they do not get pollinated, you can always add onf more. Just cut a branch in spring, keep it in water for a while and when root buds appear, stick it into the ground.
Nancy Reading wrote:Given that the plants will start quite small, but grow fairly big and sprawling in time. I would have thought that 16 feet would be OK (depending on weather and wind directions...). It would make sense to plant the male upwind if that is possible.
I'm jealous. I'd love some sea buckthorn, but they just don't seem to like it here - too damp I think.
Kaarina Kreus wrote:Hi Molly,
Great plant. It needs lots of sun, so be careful not to place it in shade. If you let them grow without teimmin, they will grow pretty huge with time. And, as they are quite prickly, that is a no-go zone.
Pollination is by wind, so they should be quite close to each other.