Lisa Freeman

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since Mar 30, 2024
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I've had my Separett Villa for two years. My urine line is fed into a "urine pit" and part of the hose is accessible. I have been pouring vinegar and water down the urine line every time I use it but mine just clogged. What I did to unclog it (not sure how long it will last) is to pour liquid soap  (I use Oasis) into the urine bowl, then boiling water. I let it sit for about 15 minutes. I then went outside and lifted and dropped the hose several times. My hose has a slight kink in it so I concentrated my efforts there. I repeated this process three times and it worked. My toilet came with a couple of blue tablets that I never used because I wasn't sure how earth friendly they are so I plopped one in the bowl and pour some boiling water over it...maybe it has enzymes that can help?
I would love to know a more long term solution to this issue, if there is one.

Good luck!
11 months ago