Justin Welch

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since May 03, 2024
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Yep, just wipe them off, they die really easily. My understanding however, is that aphids tend to attack plants that are not thriving. Try an application of compost, work castings, or companion plants for your apple trees.
Ok, So Tree of Heaven, (ailanthus altissima.) It's a terrible unstoppable force. It grows better than weeds, stinks, and houses the Spotted Lantern Fly, and doesn't play well with other plants. But...

Is there any good use for it?

Don't we long for a tree that is an unstoppable force? Wouldn't it be great for planting along earthworks to re-forest a desert? Isn't a forest of Ailanthus trees better than dead desert ground? Yes its terrible and no one wants it, and once it's established, it's hard to get rid of, but couldn't it jump start an ecosystem with little to no input?

Is there any good use for it?

I'm thinking about guerilla gardening and spreading Ailanthus seeds in a natural basin in the middle of the Mojave desert just to see what happens in a year. What do you guys think?
9 months ago