The kickstarter is live! This page contains the big list of earlybird goodies. ALL these goodies are for every supporter at $1 or more!
These goodies are only available for people who support the kickstarter before Wednesday April 7th at 2pm Mountain Time--so you might want to:
Click on any item to get more info about that item.
Note that if you back during the earlybird, you get ALL the stuff on this list. And some of the items on this list will be used for the later bonus rounds - but none of the people backing at that time will get as much stuff as the people backing the earlybird.
After the kickstarter is funded, we'll add them all to your permies account! You'll then have access to all of the goodies. You'll also find links to all of them in your My Stuff
Most of the goodies will give you direct access to the content. Some, though, come as Gift Codes. The gift codes allow you to claim one, and give out the rest! (Or give them all out--it's up to you!)
Is the deadline for the goodies April 7th or May 7th? I didn't think it was past. I have already pledged but I didn't want someone new to not get on board because they thought it was over. Thanks
So what are the dates for the early bird. I backed the project pretty early but I don't know if I was early enough for everything. I know it said something about day 1 and 2 getting more. I think I didn't back until day 3 but I'm not even sure about that. I guess it really doesn't matter, when it's over I will get what I get and then I'll know. Thanks
I backed the Kickstarter on April 3rd and now, looking through the list of goodies in "My Stuff", I'm seeing the full video for David Pagan Butlers "Make a Natural Swimming Pool", but not the 2 chapters of his "Organic Pools DIY" book - did they get swapped out for the video? If so, can anyone tell me the difference between the two resources from David Pagan Butler? I mean, aside from the obvious, one being a book and the other a video. ;) If there is different content, I may buy the ebook to either supplement or compliment the video..