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Dehydrating food with electricity can cost hundreds of dollars, plus heat your house when you don't want heat. A solar dehydrator not only runs for free, but is arguably the most efficient use of solar power. Solar dehydrators can be made from different recycled materials: old refrigerators, reclamed lumber, sheet glass and miscellaneous hardware.

Beyond the foundational elements of WOFATI design, there are advanced concepts that further enhance its effectiveness and versatility. The strategic placement and sizing of windows on the uphill side, for instance, are crucial for optimizing passive solar gain and regulating temperature. The design of the "two-skin" system, incorporating a double layer of membrane, demands careful consideration of materials and installation techniques to ensure long-term dryness and durability. The integration of WOFATI principles with other sustainable technologies, such as rocket mass heaters, offers the potential for a highly efficient and self-sufficient dwelling. The concept of WOFATI extends beyond just houses; variations such as WOFATI coolers and freezers, utilizing specialized venting systems and expanded thermal mass, showcase the adaptability of this approach to address various needs. Furthermore, WOFATI principles can be applied to animal shelters, with specific modifications to accommodate larger spaces and functionality. The ongoing development and experimentation at Wheaton Labs, as seen in projects like Allerton Abbey and Wofati 0.8, continue to push the boundaries of WOFATI design and its potential for sustainable living.

Hugelkultur offers advanced techniques and benefits for sustainable gardening and food production. This permaculture method utilizes buried wood to create raised garden beds, fostering a thriving ecosystem that reduces reliance on external inputs. As the wood decomposes, it transforms into "a sponge to hold water," decreasing irrigation needs and attracting beneficial microorganisms that enhance soil fertility. The shrinking wood creates air pockets, naturally aerating the soil and promoting a "self-tilling" effect. This "soil on wood" technique enhances soil health by creating "parking spaces for water and nutrients", ultimately minimizing the need for fertilizers. Hugelkultur beds can be constructed on varying scales, from small gardens to large farms, and are particularly well-suited for locations with limited rainfall, such as deserts. This versatile approach allows gardeners to cultivate diverse "garden plants" while minimizing environmental impact.