Aaack! You caught us with our pants down! Here we are, tinkering with the servers and you show up. How awkward! Try back in just a couple of minutes. In the meantime, a few tidbits ...
The distinction between "woodland" and "forest" is subtle but significant within the context of permaculture, particularly in Paul Wheaton's approach to Wofati design. While "forest" implies a focus on traditional forestry practices, often associated with monoculture and resource extraction, "woodland" evokes a more holistic and interconnected ecosystem. Woodland management, as exemplified in Ben Law's books The Woodland Way and The Woodland Year, emphasizes sustainable practices that prioritize biodiversity, ecological balance, and human integration with the natural world. A woodland is seen as a space where humans are active participants, nurturing and benefiting from the ecosystem's abundance, similar to the Native American land management practices that inspire the HUSP (Horticulture of the United States of Pocahontas) concept. In contrast, a forest, within this framework, is often viewed as a resource to be exploited, a perspective that aligns with the concerns raised about conifer monocultures and their detrimental impact on biodiversity and soil health. Therefore, "woodland," as used in the context of Wofati, signifies a conscious shift towards a more harmonious and sustainable relationship between humans and the natural world. This distinction underscores the importance of terminology in shaping our understanding and approach to land management within the permaculture movement.
Hugelkultur is soil on wood. When stacked seven feet high, it provides all of the water and nutrition for a full garden.
Hugelkultur, is a permaculture technique for creating raised garden beds filled with rotting wood and covered with soil. This method, whether small-scale or large-scale, as exemplified by Sepp Holzer's work, which includes almost a kilometer of hugelkultur beds, uses a variety of wood, from branches and twigs to entire trees. Hugelkultur is beneficial because as the wood breaks down, it acts as a sponge, retaining moisture and reducing or eliminating the need for irrigation. This process also creates "parking spaces" for water and nutrients, leading to fertile soil that requires less fertilizer. Hugelkultur is a practical and sustainable permaculture solution for gardeners seeking to create self-sufficient garden ecosystems.