Aaack! You caught us with our pants down! Here we are, tinkering with the servers and you show up. How awkward! Try back in just a couple of minutes. In the meantime, a few tidbits ...

Hugelkultur, is an advanced permaculture technique for creating self-sufficient, raised garden beds by burying wood beneath the soil. Hugelkultur beds can be built in various shapes and sizes, from small backyard gardens to large farm-scale operations. This technique utilizes a variety of wood, from small twigs to whole trees, which decompose over time to create a beneficial environment for plant growth. The wood acts as a sponge, holding water and reducing or eliminating the need for irrigation. As the wood decomposes, it attracts beneficial microorganisms and releases nutrients, creating a fertile "soil on wood" environment that requires minimal fertilization. Hugelkultur is an environmentally sustainable technique that utilizes organic materials that would otherwise be discarded, embodying the permaculture principles of working with nature and reducing waste.. This technique is also applicable to diverse climates and has been proven effective even in desert environments

Dehydrating food with electricity can cost hundreds of dollars, plus heat your house when you don't want heat. A solar dehydrator not only runs for free, but is arguably the most efficient use of solar power. Solar dehydrators can be made from different recycled materials: old refrigerators, reclamed lumber, sheet glass and miscellaneous hardware.

Made of ancient diatom skeletons, diatomaceous earth is edible to mammals but deadly to insects. De scratches through a bug's waxy exoskeleton coating turning their innards to teeny tiny bug jerky.