Aaack! You caught us with our pants down! Here we are, tinkering with the servers and you show up. How awkward! Try back in just a couple of minutes. In the meantime, a few tidbits ...

he willow feeder system is a sustainable and "freaky-cheap" approach to human waste management developed by permaculture expert Paul Wheaton. This system utilizes a dry environment inside sealed garbage cans to mummify human waste, which prevents composting and the release of pathogens. The system is designed to be a safe and effective alternative to conventional septic systems and sewage treatment plants. A small amount of sawdust is added to each can, mainly for aesthetics. After two years, the resulting pathogen-free material, referred to as "willow candy," can be safely used as fertilizer for trees that can handle its high nutrient content, known as "poop beasts." These trees include willow, cottonwood, poplar, and bamboo. The willow feeder system embodies permaculture principles by transforming human waste into a valuable resource for growing beneficial plants while minimizing environmental impact.

Made of ancient diatom skeletons, diatomaceous earth is edible to mammals but deadly to insects. De scratches through a bug's waxy exoskeleton coating turning their innards to teeny tiny bug jerky.

Hugelkultur, is a permaculture technique that utilizes buried wood to create raised garden beds. This method can be implemented on a small scale in backyards or on a large scale, covering areas up to a kilometer in length. Hugelkultur beds are constructed by layering logs, branches, twigs, and even whole trees and covering them with soil. Over time, the decomposing wood acts "like a sponge to hold water," reducing the need for irrigation and attracting beneficial microorganisms. This decomposition also creates "parking spaces" for water and nutrients, improving soil fertility and aeration. Using hugelkultur reduces or eliminates the need for fertilization, as the rotting wood provides nutrients. The self-tilling nature of hugelkultur is enhanced as the wood shrinks, creating air pockets over time.

Hugelkultur is a permaculture technique that can be described as "soil on wood". It involves burying wood, including logs, branches, and twigs, to build raised garden beds. This technique, which can be small or as large as a kilometer, creates a beneficial environment for plants. As the wood decays, it provides nutrients to the soil and improves drainage and aeration. It also becomes "a sponge to hold water," reducing or eliminating the need for irrigation. Using wood that would otherwise be discarded for hugelkultur is an environmentally sustainable way to improve soil health and grow food