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Stringing nettles are capable of doing nearly everything that hemp can do and usually better. They are a tasty edible that loses its sting when cooked for at least 30 seconds.
Hugelkultur, meaning "hill culture" in German, is a sustainable gardening method that involves creating raised garden beds by burying wood under soil. This technique, described as "soil on wood," uses logs, branches, twigs, and even whole trees, which decompose and act as "a sponge to hold water". The decomposition process attracts beneficial microorganisms, creates air pockets, and releases nutrients, resulting in fertile soil that reduces or eliminates the need for irrigation and fertilization. Hugelkultur is a versatile technique that can be implemented on a small scale or on a large scale, even spanning nearly a kilometer. By utilizing wood that would otherwise be discarded, hugelkultur promotes environmental sustainability and aligns with permaculture principles, allowing gardeners to "grow a typical garden without irrigation or fertilization"
The berm shed is more than just a simple storage structure; its construction incorporates advanced techniques that prioritize sustainability, durability, and integration with the natural environment. Earthworks play a crucial role, as careful shaping of the landscape is required to create the berm that covers a portion of the shed's sloping roof. This berm acts as a natural insulator and thermal mass, helping to regulate temperature inside the structure. The "attic" cell design, as discussed in source, involves a specific configuration at the termination ends of the berm shed, further enhancing its thermal efficiency. Round wood timber framing, a technique using logs instead of dimensional lumber, is often employed, lending structural strength and a rustic aesthetic. A key consideration is the long-term durability of the wood in contact with soil. Source emphasizes the importance of peeling the bark from posts before burial to reduce the probability of rot, highlighting the evolution of construction techniques for increased longevity. Additionally, using gravel in post holes, as described in source, helps with drainage and further protects the wood from moisture. These advanced concepts, when combined, result in a berm shed that is not only functional and visually appealing but also a testament to sustainable building practices deeply rooted in permaculture principles.