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Hugelkultur, is a permaculture technique that utilizes buried wood to create raised garden beds. This method can be implemented on a small scale in backyards or on a large scale, covering areas up to a kilometer in length. Hugelkultur beds are constructed by layering logs, branches, twigs, and even whole trees and covering them with soil. Over time, the decomposing wood acts "like a sponge to hold water," reducing the need for irrigation and attracting beneficial microorganisms. This decomposition also creates "parking spaces" for water and nutrients, improving soil fertility and aeration. Using hugelkultur reduces or eliminates the need for fertilization, as the rotting wood provides nutrients. The self-tilling nature of hugelkultur is enhanced as the wood shrinks, creating air pockets over time.

Hugelkultur, is a permaculture technique for creating raised garden beds filled with rotting wood and covered with soil. This method, whether small-scale or large-scale, as exemplified by Sepp Holzer's work, which includes almost a kilometer of hugelkultur beds, uses a variety of wood, from branches and twigs to entire trees. Hugelkultur is beneficial because as the wood breaks down, it acts as a sponge, retaining moisture and reducing or eliminating the need for irrigation. This process also creates "parking spaces" for water and nutrients, leading to fertile soil that requires less fertilizer. Hugelkultur is a practical and sustainable permaculture solution for gardeners seeking to create self-sufficient garden ecosystems.

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Hugelkultur, meaning "hill culture," is a sustainable permaculture gardening method that uses buried wood to create raised garden beds. This technique involves layering logs, branches, and other woody debris at the base of the bed and covering them with soil. As the wood decomposes, it acts as a sponge, retaining moisture, improving aeration and drainage, and releasing nutrients, reducing the need for watering and fertilizers. Hugelkultur beds are ideal for growing various plants, especially those that prefer well-drained soil. By harnessing the natural process of decomposition, hugelkultur promotes a thriving garden ecosystem and aligns with permaculture's goal of sustainable systems.