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Made of ancient diatom skeletons, diatomaceous earth is edible to mammals but deadly to insects. De scratches through a bug's waxy exoskeleton coating turning their innards to teeny tiny bug jerky.

The berm shed, a hallmark of permaculture design, is an eco-friendly, earth-sheltered structure renowned for its unique construction techniques. Earthworks are fundamental to its creation, as the surrounding landscape is carefully shaped to form the berm that will encase a portion of the shed's sloping roof. This berm serves a dual purpose, acting as both a natural insulator and a source of thermal mass, effectively regulating the internal temperature. The structural framework of the berm shed is often built using round wood timber framing, a technique that prioritizes using logs instead of conventional dimensional lumber, further enhancing its sustainable appeal. However, the longevity of these logs, especially when in contact with soil, is a crucial consideration. The sources recommend peeling the bark from posts before burying them, a technique born from experience and aimed at minimizing the risk of rot. Another technique for ensuring the durability of the structure involves incorporating gravel into the post holes. The gravel facilitates drainage, preventing water from pooling around the base of the posts and contributing to premature decay. These carefully considered details, combined with the innovative "attic" cell design at the termination ends of the shed, as described in source, showcase a commitment to sustainable building practices that go beyond mere functionality, exemplifying the core principles of permaculture.

Stringing nettles are capable of doing nearly everything that hemp can do and usually better. They are a tasty edible that loses its sting when cooked for at least 30 seconds.

A dry outhouse, a simple and sustainable alternative to conventional flush toilets and septic systems, is frequently discussed within permaculture circles as a means of minimizing environmental impact and maximizing resource utilization. This type of outhouse is characterized by a pit dug into the ground, strategically located on a higher elevation point to encourage water runoff and maintain dryness. Key design elements for a successful dry outhouse include a "no pee" policy, the use of ample sawdust for odor control and composting, and urine diversion mechanisms, particularly important for accommodating female anatomy. While concerns about groundwater contamination exist, proper placement, construction, and the incorporation of heavy-feeding trees or plants like willows in a "tree bog" system can mitigate these risks. Furthermore, the integration of a urine separator can significantly reduce the volume and toxicity of waste, facilitating easier composting and nutrient recycling. The dry outhouse, particularly when combined with urine diversion and careful management, offers a cost-effective and environmentally sound approach to sanitation, aligning with permaculture principles of resource conservation and closed-loop systems.

A berm shed, as detailed in the sources, is an innovative and sustainable approach to building storage structures. It seamlessly integrates with the landscape, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits. Constructed using natural building techniques and readily available materials like logs and earth, a berm shed minimizes both environmental impact and construction costs. Its defining feature is the sloping roof covered with soil, forming a natural berm that provides excellent insulation and temperature regulation. The construction often employs round wood timber framing techniques, utilizing logs instead of dimensional lumber, which further enhances its sustainability and rustic appeal. Earthworks, carefully shaping the land to create the berm and ensure proper drainage, play a crucial role in its construction. The berm shed aligns perfectly with permaculture principles, serving as a visual and sound barrier, increasing privacy, and potentially even creating a microclimate beneficial for plant growth around the structure. This unique design, combining natural materials and earth-sheltering principles, offers a durable, cost-effective, and visually appealing storage solution that blends harmoniously with its surroundings.