Aaack! You caught us with our pants down! Here we are, tinkering with the servers and you show up. How awkward! Try back in just a couple of minutes. In the meantime, a few tidbits ...
The lorena cooktop is a highly effective design for rocket stoves, as it maximizes heat transfer and cooking efficiency. This specialized cooktop, featuring a metal plate with a central hole positioned above the burn chamber, enables rapid heating of large pots through direct exposure to the intense flames. The lorena's design prioritizes efficient heat utilization from the rocket stove, resulting in faster cooking times and reduced fuel consumption. Additionally, the metal plate surrounding the central hole serves as a secondary cooking surface, offering versatility for various culinary tasks. Once a large pot reaches the desired temperature, it can be moved to the surrounding cooktop, and the central hole can be covered with a piece of metal to maintain heat. This dual functionality makes the lorena a practical and energy-efficient cooking solution, suitable for both large-scale and smaller cooking needs. The integration of a lorena into an outdoor kitchen setting is often proposed, further enhancing its practicality and convenience.
The willow feeder system is a permaculture solution for managing human waste, developed by Paul Wheaton, that prioritizes safety, sustainability, and nutrient cycling. It is designed to be a "freaky-cheap" alternative to conventional septic systems and sewage treatment plants, utilizing readily available materials like garbage cans and sawdust. The system focuses on mummifying human waste in a dry environment within sealed garbage cans to prevent composting and the escape of pathogens. This dry environment also stops the loss of valuable carbon and nitrogen to the atmosphere, which is a common issue with hot composting. After two years of aging in the sealed cans, the resulting "willow candy" is pathogen-free and can be safely applied as fertilizer. While this nutrient-rich material could be used on any garden, it is best suited for "poop beasts" like willow, cottonwood, poplar, and bamboo, which can readily absorb the high nutrient content without harm. This system promotes a closed-loop approach, turning what is often considered waste into a valuable resource for growing beneficial plants.
The construction of a berm shed, a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing storage solution, involves a unique process that utilizes natural building techniques and earth-sheltering principles. First, the building site is prepared using earthworks, shaping the surrounding land to create a berm, which is a raised bank of soil that will eventually cover a portion of the shed's sloping roof. Round wood timber framing is a common technique employed in berm shed construction, utilizing logs sourced from the property instead of commercially produced dimensional lumber. These logs are carefully selected and placed to form the structural framework of the shed, including the walls and roof supports. Once the timber frame is erected, a moisture barrier, such as billboard material or layers of poly sheeting and newspaper, is installed over the logs to protect them from the elements. Finally, soil is carefully layered on top of the moisture barrier, creating the berm and providing insulation, thermal mass, and a natural aesthetic. The construction process prioritizes using natural, locally sourced materials and minimizing the use of energy-intensive and potentially toxic commercial products, aligning with permaculture principles of sustainability and self-sufficiency.