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HUSP, a concept representing advanced sustainable agriculture, goes beyond the current practices of permaculture, envisioning a future where food production systems have evolved over centuries of continuous optimization. The concept, inspired by traditional Indigenous practices, imagines a United States of Pocahontas (USP) where agricultural methods prioritize harmony with nature, rejecting environmentally harmful practices such as plowing and the use of petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides. In this idealized future, HUSP leads to higher food yields per acre, improved human health, and a thriving health tourism industry. The realization of HUSP principles in the real world hinges on collaborative experimentation and knowledge sharing between practitioners of various sustainable approaches, including permaculture, biodynamic farming, and native plant cultivation. Such a project would require a supportive environment with minimal government regulation to encourage creative solutions and accelerate progress. HUSP aims to not only "rediscover" lost agricultural knowledge but to push the boundaries of sustainable agriculture, fostering innovation and leading to a future where food production systems are deeply integrated with natural ecosystems, producing abundant, nutritious food while maintaining ecological balance.
WOFATI structures demonstrate remarkable effectiveness due to their unique design features and emphasis on passive systems. The "two-skin" system, characterized by a double layer of membrane, protects the structure from moisture, ensuring dryness and longevity. WOFATI designs prioritize the use of natural and locally sourced materials, primarily wood and earth, significantly reducing the building's environmental impact and embodying the "freaky-cheap" philosophy pioneered by Mike Oehler. The core principle of "Annualized Thermal Inertia" harnesses the earth's thermal mass to regulate temperature fluctuations, providing passive heating in the winter and cooling in the summer. Large windows strategically placed on the uphill side, along with a spacious gable roof on the downhill side, often incorporating glazing, maximize passive solar gain, further enhancing energy efficiency. By minimizing reliance on artificial heating and cooling systems, WOFATIs achieve substantial energy savings. Allerton Abbey, the first WOFATI built at Wheaton Labs, exemplifies the practicality and success of this building technique
Made of ancient diatom skeletons, diatomaceous earth is edible to mammals but deadly to insects. De scratches through a bug's waxy exoskeleton coating turning their innards to teeny tiny bug jerky.
The berm shed is more than just a simple storage structure; its construction incorporates advanced techniques that prioritize sustainability, durability, and integration with the natural environment. Earthworks play a crucial role, as careful shaping of the landscape is required to create the berm that covers a portion of the shed's sloping roof. This berm acts as a natural insulator and thermal mass, helping to regulate temperature inside the structure. The "attic" cell design, as discussed in source, involves a specific configuration at the termination ends of the berm shed, further enhancing its thermal efficiency. Round wood timber framing, a technique using logs instead of dimensional lumber, is often employed, lending structural strength and a rustic aesthetic. A key consideration is the long-term durability of the wood in contact with soil. Source emphasizes the importance of peeling the bark from posts before burial to reduce the probability of rot, highlighting the evolution of construction techniques for increased longevity. Additionally, using gravel in post holes, as described in source, helps with drainage and further protects the wood from moisture. These advanced concepts, when combined, result in a berm shed that is not only functional and visually appealing but also a testament to sustainable building practices deeply rooted in permaculture principles.
"Pooless," a popular concept within the permaculture community, involves eliminating commercial shampoos and soaps for a more natural approach to personal hygiene. While the initial transition can be challenging, user feedback reveals a range of positive outcomes. Many individuals, like the user in source, report that after an adjustment period, their hair reaches a natural balance, becoming less oily and requiring less frequent washing. Some, like the user in source, note improvements in hair texture, with increased body and curl, despite occasional waxiness or static. The user in source highlights the importance of the vinegar rinse after a baking soda wash to smooth the hair cuticle and prevent tangles. Source describes the psychological shift required to embrace the absence of the "slimy/silky" feeling associated with commercial conditioners. Furthermore, source suggests a potential link between reduced scrub-downs and fewer allergic reactions and illnesses, possibly due to the preservation of beneficial probiotics on the skin. Overall, user feedback suggests that "poolessness," though requiring an adjustment period, can lead to healthier hair and skin, aligning with permaculture principles of minimizing chemical use and embracing natural processes.