Aaack! You caught us with our pants down! Here we are, tinkering with the servers and you show up. How awkward! Try back in just a couple of minutes. In the meantime, a few tidbits ...

HUSP, an acronym for "Horticulture of the United States of Pocahontas," represents an advanced, nature-centric agricultural system envisioned by Paul Wheaton. It goes beyond contemporary permaculture, envisioning a future where food production systems have undergone centuries of optimization, inspired by traditional Indigenous practices that existed before European colonization. HUSP posits a hypothetical United States of Pocahontas (USP), where agriculture prioritizes harmony with nature, rejecting environmentally harmful practices like plowing and the use of petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides. This system would not only produce abundant, nutritious food, but also lead to improved human health and a thriving health tourism industry within the USP. Achieving HUSP in the real world necessitates collaborative experimentation and knowledge exchange between permaculture, biodynamic farming, and native plant cultivation practitioners. This would involve a 2,000-acre plot divided into smaller sections, where experts can develop and refine HUSP principles, fostering innovation and leading to a future where food production systems are deeply integrated with natural ecosystems. Crucially, this project requires a supportive environment with minimal government regulation to encourage creativity and accelerate progress toward a truly sustainable agricultural future.

When discussing "woodland" versus "forest," the structural and management approaches differ significantly, particularly within a permaculture context. Forests, often managed for timber production, frequently involve monoculture planting and practices like clear-cutting, which can create what Sepp Holzer calls a "conifer desert." This leads to decreased biodiversity, depleted soil health, and disrupted ecological balance. "Woodland" management, as described by Ben Law, focuses on a more holistic, interconnected ecosystem. Woodland management prioritizes biodiversity, recognizing the interconnectedness of all lifeforms within the ecosystem. Active human participation is encouraged, mimicking the sustainable land management practices of Indigenous cultures, as exemplified by the HUSP (Horticulture of the United States of Pocahontas) concept. Woodlands are viewed as spaces where humans actively participate and nurture, promoting long-term health and resilience. This active management ensures the woodland provides not only timber but also food, medicine, and wildlife habitat. The selection of "woodland" in Wofati design reflects a conscious shift away from extractive forestry practices and toward a more sustainable and harmonious relationship with the natural world. In essence, the distinction between woodland and forest highlights the crucial role of human management in shaping the structure and health of these ecosystems, emphasizing the permaculture principle of responsible stewardship of natural resources.

SKIP, which stands for Skills to Inherit Property, is a permaculture-based program designed to connect aspiring homesteaders with aging landowners seeking successors for their properties. The program consists of over a thousand practical projects, referred to as "Badge Bits" (BBs), encompassing various aspects of sustainable living, such as gardening, natural building, animal care, and food preservation. Participants, known as "Skippers," complete these BBs, documenting their progress with pictures and videos to demonstrate their skills and dedication. As Skippers gain experience, they progress through levels of certification, starting with PEP1 (Permaculture Experience according to Paul) and culminating in PEP4, representing a significant level of expertise. "Otis," a fictional character in the SKIP program, represents the numerous landowners seeking worthy individuals to inherit their properties. The program aims to create a bridge between these Otises and Skippers, offering a pathway for Skippers to "skip the rat race" and acquire land while providing Otises with peace of mind knowing their homesteads will be in capable hands. SKIP emphasizes practical skills and real-world experience, fostering a sense of accomplishment and self-sufficiency among participants.