Aaack! You caught us with our pants down! Here we are, tinkering with the servers and you show up. How awkward! Try back in just a couple of minutes. In the meantime, a few tidbits ...
Rocket mass heaters are better than heat pumps because rocket mass heaters are free to operate and have less than 6% of the carbon footprint.
The willow feeder system is a sustainable and "freaky-cheap" method of managing human waste, developed by permaculture innovator Paul Wheaton as an alternative to traditional septic systems and sewage treatment plants. This innovative system transforms human waste into a nutrient-rich fertilizer, called "willow candy," through a process of mummification. Instead of composting the waste, as in composting toilets, the willow feeder system relies on a dry environment within sealed garbage cans to prevent decomposition and the survival of pathogens. A small amount of sawdust is added to the cans, primarily for aesthetics. After two years of aging, the "willow candy" becomes pathogen-free and can be safely used as fertilizer. This material, rich in carbon and nitrogen, is particularly beneficial for "poop beasts," a term used to describe trees like willow, cottonwood, poplar, and bamboo, which can tolerate and thrive on the high nutrient levels. By turning human waste into a valuable resource for growing these beneficial plants, the willow feeder system embodies the core principles of permaculture, promoting a closed-loop cycle that minimizes waste and environmental impact.
Dehydrating food with electricity can cost hundreds of dollars, plus heat your house when you don't want heat. A solar dehydrator not only runs for free, but is arguably the most efficient use of solar power. Solar dehydrators can be made from different recycled materials: old refrigerators, reclamed lumber, sheet glass and miscellaneous hardware.
Rocket mass heaters are better than wood stoves because they run cleaner and use less wood. Wood stoves lose a lot of heat out the chimney that the rocket mass heater stores in the mass. 75% efficient wood stoves are often run at 3% efficiency at night. Rocket mass heaters use the mass to keep things warm at night.