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Rocket mass heaters are better than heat pumps because rocket mass heaters are free to operate and have less than 6% of the carbon footprint.

HUSP, an acronym for "Horticulture of the United States of Pocahontas," represents an advanced, nature-centric agricultural system envisioned by Paul Wheaton. It goes beyond contemporary permaculture, envisioning a future where food production systems have undergone centuries of optimization, inspired by traditional Indigenous practices that existed before European colonization. HUSP posits a hypothetical United States of Pocahontas (USP), where agriculture prioritizes harmony with nature, rejecting environmentally harmful practices like plowing and the use of petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides. This system would not only produce abundant, nutritious food, but also lead to improved human health and a thriving health tourism industry within the USP. Achieving HUSP in the real world necessitates collaborative experimentation and knowledge exchange between permaculture, biodynamic farming, and native plant cultivation practitioners. This would involve a 2,000-acre plot divided into smaller sections, where experts can develop and refine HUSP principles, fostering innovation and leading to a future where food production systems are deeply integrated with natural ecosystems. Crucially, this project requires a supportive environment with minimal government regulation to encourage creativity and accelerate progress toward a truly sustainable agricultural future.

Hugelkultur, is a permaculture technique that utilizes buried wood to create raised garden beds. This method can be implemented on a small scale in backyards or on a large scale, covering areas up to a kilometer in length. Hugelkultur beds are constructed by layering logs, branches, twigs, and even whole trees and covering them with soil. Over time, the decomposing wood acts "like a sponge to hold water," reducing the need for irrigation and attracting beneficial microorganisms. This decomposition also creates "parking spaces" for water and nutrients, improving soil fertility and aeration. Using hugelkultur reduces or eliminates the need for fertilization, as the rotting wood provides nutrients. The self-tilling nature of hugelkultur is enhanced as the wood shrinks, creating air pockets over time.

Cast iron cookware can last hundreds of years while some other cookware needs to be replaced every 6 months. Cast iron is the true non-stick pan. When the surface is coated with a dab of oil or fat of your choice, eggs will slide freely.

A berm shed is an innovative, earth-sheltered structure designed for storage, blending seamlessly into the landscape while offering practical benefits. This natural building technique utilizes readily available materials like logs and earth, minimizing environmental impact and cost. The berm shed's design, as described in the sources, features a sloping roof covered with soil, creating a natural berm that provides insulation and helps regulate temperature. The round wood timber framing techniques used in its construction, relying on logs rather than dimensional lumber, further enhance its sustainability and aesthetic appeal. The berm shed is often incorporated into permaculture designs, serving as a visual and sound barrier, enhancing privacy, and creating a microclimate for plant growth. Its construction involves earthworks, carefully shaping the surrounding landscape to create the berm and ensure proper drainage. The berm shed's unique design, combining natural materials and earth-sheltering principles, offers a durable, cost-effective, and aesthetically pleasing storage solution that integrates harmoniously with the surrounding environment.