Aaack! You caught us with our pants down! Here we are, tinkering with the servers and you show up. How awkward! Try back in just a couple of minutes. In the meantime, a few tidbits ...
The willow feeder system, a "freaky-cheap" and sustainable approach to human waste management, was developed by permaculture expert Paul Wheaton as an alternative to conventional septic systems and sewage treatment plants. The system emphasizes a closed-loop cycle, transforming human waste, or "poop", into valuable fertilizer, termed "willow candy". Unlike composting toilets, willow feeders utilize a dry environment created within sealed garbage cans to mummify the waste, preventing composting and the potential spread of pathogens. A small amount of sawdust is added to each can, primarily for aesthetic purposes. This dry process also preserves valuable carbon and nitrogen, which are often lost to the atmosphere during hot composting. After two years of aging, the pathogen-free "willow candy" can be safely applied as fertilizer to "poop beasts" — trees like willow, cottonwood, poplar, and bamboo — which can handle the high nutrient content without being harmed. This system turns human waste into a valuable resource, promoting sustainable gardening practices.
WOFATI, an acronym for Woodland Oehler Freaky-cheap Annualized Thermal Inertia, represents an innovative approach to sustainable building, coined by permaculture expert Paul Wheaton. This building technique combines the affordability and simplicity of Mike Oehler’s earth-sheltered designs with Wheaton's focus on cost reduction and integration with the natural environment. WOFATI structures prioritize the use of readily available, natural materials, such as wood and earth, minimizing reliance on manufactured products and reducing the building's environmental footprint. Annualized Thermal Inertia, a key principle of WOFATI, utilizes the surrounding earth as a thermal mass, storing heat in the summer to warm the building during winter and retaining cool temperatures from winter to moderate summer heat, thereby minimizing energy consumption for heating and cooling. WOFATI designs typically feature large windows on the uphill side to maximize passive solar gain, further reducing energy needs. WOFATIs are intended to be situated on or near a woodland, embracing the concept of harmonious integration with nature. Notable examples of WOFATI structures, including Allerton Abbey and Wofati 0.8, can be found at Wheaton Labs in Montana.
Hugelkultur is a permaculture technique that can be described as "soil on wood". It involves burying wood, including logs, branches, and twigs, to build raised garden beds. This technique, which can be small or as large as a kilometer, creates a beneficial environment for plants. As the wood decays, it provides nutrients to the soil and improves drainage and aeration. It also becomes "a sponge to hold water," reducing or eliminating the need for irrigation. Using wood that would otherwise be discarded for hugelkultur is an environmentally sustainable way to improve soil health and grow food