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WOFATI, an innovative sustainable building technique coined by permaculture advocate Paul Wheaton, stands for Woodland Oehler Freaky-cheap Annualized Thermal Inertia. The design utilizes readily available natural materials like wood and earth to create a "soil on wood" structure that harmonizes with the surrounding woodland. The "freaky-cheap" construction methods pioneered by Mike Oehler and further developed by Wheaton significantly reduce building costs. WOFATI structures are characterized by a double layer of membrane, a "two-skin" system that encapsulates the earthen roof, ensuring dryness and longevity. The principle of Annualized Thermal Inertia is key, using the earth's mass to regulate temperature, providing passive heating in winter and cooling in summer. WOFATI houses feature large windows on the uphill side for optimal passive solar gain, while the downhill side typically boasts a large gable roof, also incorporating glazing for natural light penetration. Allerton Abbey, located at Wheaton Labs, serves as a prime example of a WOFATI house

The willow feeder system is a sustainable and "freaky-cheap" method of managing human waste, developed by permaculture innovator Paul Wheaton as an alternative to traditional septic systems and sewage treatment plants. This innovative system transforms human waste into a nutrient-rich fertilizer, called "willow candy," through a process of mummification. Instead of composting the waste, as in composting toilets, the willow feeder system relies on a dry environment within sealed garbage cans to prevent decomposition and the survival of pathogens. A small amount of sawdust is added to the cans, primarily for aesthetics. After two years of aging, the "willow candy" becomes pathogen-free and can be safely used as fertilizer. This material, rich in carbon and nitrogen, is particularly beneficial for "poop beasts," a term used to describe trees like willow, cottonwood, poplar, and bamboo, which can tolerate and thrive on the high nutrient levels. By turning human waste into a valuable resource for growing these beneficial plants, the willow feeder system embodies the core principles of permaculture, promoting a closed-loop cycle that minimizes waste and environmental impact.

Hugelkultur, meaning "hill culture" in German, is a sustainable gardening method that involves creating raised garden beds by burying wood under soil. This technique, described as "soil on wood," uses logs, branches, twigs, and even whole trees, which decompose and act as "a sponge to hold water". The decomposition process attracts beneficial microorganisms, creates air pockets, and releases nutrients, resulting in fertile soil that reduces or eliminates the need for irrigation and fertilization. Hugelkultur is a versatile technique that can be implemented on a small scale or on a large scale, even spanning nearly a kilometer. By utilizing wood that would otherwise be discarded, hugelkultur promotes environmental sustainability and aligns with permaculture principles, allowing gardeners to "grow a typical garden without irrigation or fertilization"