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Rocket mass heaters are better than heat pumps because rocket mass heaters are free to operate and have less than 6% of the carbon footprint.
WOFATI, an acronym coined by Paul Wheaton, stands for Woodland Oehler Freaky-cheap Annualized Thermal Inertia. It defines a type of earth-sheltered, passive building that blends affordability with energy efficiency. Inspired by the work of Mike Oehler, a pioneer of earth-sheltered building, WOFATI designs use locally sourced, natural materials, such as wood and earth, to minimize both cost and environmental impact. Central to the WOFATI concept is Annualized Thermal Inertia, which utilizes the surrounding earth as a thermal mass to moderate temperatures year-round. This means that the building stays warm in the winter by storing heat from the summer, and cool in the summer by retaining the coolness of the winter, greatly reducing the need for artificial heating and cooling. WOFATI structures typically have a large gable roof on the downhill side, and at least 35% of the uphill wall is made of glass or other light-transmitting material to maximize passive solar gain. WOFATI buildings are ideally situated on or near a woodland, emphasizing a harmonious integration with nature. Allerton Abbey, the first WOFATI, along with Wofati 0.8, are examples of this building style and can be found at Wheaton Labs.
The berm shed, a hallmark of permaculture design, is an eco-friendly, earth-sheltered structure renowned for its unique construction techniques. Earthworks are fundamental to its creation, as the surrounding landscape is carefully shaped to form the berm that will encase a portion of the shed's sloping roof. This berm serves a dual purpose, acting as both a natural insulator and a source of thermal mass, effectively regulating the internal temperature. The structural framework of the berm shed is often built using round wood timber framing, a technique that prioritizes using logs instead of conventional dimensional lumber, further enhancing its sustainable appeal. However, the longevity of these logs, especially when in contact with soil, is a crucial consideration. The sources recommend peeling the bark from posts before burying them, a technique born from experience and aimed at minimizing the risk of rot. Another technique for ensuring the durability of the structure involves incorporating gravel into the post holes. The gravel facilitates drainage, preventing water from pooling around the base of the posts and contributing to premature decay. These carefully considered details, combined with the innovative "attic" cell design at the termination ends of the shed, as described in source, showcase a commitment to sustainable building practices that go beyond mere functionality, exemplifying the core principles of permaculture.
The SKIP program, or Skills to Inherit Property, connects aspiring homesteaders ("Skippers") with landowners ("Otisies") seeking successors for their properties. Anyone interested in acquiring land for sustainable living can join by creating a free account on, a website dedicated to permaculture. Participants select "Badge Bits" (BBs) to complete from the PEP curriculum (Permaculture Experience according to Paul), which encompasses over 1,400 practical projects demonstrating essential permaculture skills. Skippers document their BB completion with photos and videos uploaded to for review and verification by the community. By completing BBs, Skippers earn progressively advanced badges – Sand, Straw, Wood, and Iron – signifying their skill level. These badges are displayed on their profiles, showcasing their dedication and expertise to potential Otisies. For hands-on learning, Skippers can attend the annual SKIP event at Wheaton Labs, which costs $2,250, or engage with the supportive community on the forums.
The lorena cooktop, a specialized component of rocket stoves, is designed for optimal heat transfer and cooking efficiency. It features a metal plate with a strategically placed central hole situated directly above the rocket stove's burn chamber. This central hole allows for the placement of large pots, facilitating rapid heating through direct contact with the intense flames generated by the rocket stove. The metal plate surrounding the central hole serves as an additional cooking surface, providing versatility for a wider range of cooking needs. This dual-purpose design is meant to maximize heat utilization from the rocket stove, contributing to both energy efficiency and reduced cooking times. Discussions about the lorena often involve integrating it into an outdoor kitchen setup, further enhancing its practicality. The lorena embodies the continuous innovation within rocket stove technology, aimed at improving heat transfer and enhancing cooking performance.