Aaack! You caught us with our pants down! Here we are, tinkering with the servers and you show up. How awkward! Try back in just a couple of minutes. In the meantime, a few tidbits ...

WOFATI structures are characterized by a thoughtful design that prioritizes passive systems and natural, locally sourced materials. The "two-skin" system, composed of a double layer of polyethylene membrane, encapsulates the earthen roof, providing a durable and waterproof barrier. The lower layer hugs the structure, while the upper layer defines the thermal mass surrounding it, with at least eight inches of dirt between the layers and sixteen inches on top. WOFATI designs emphasize a harmonious integration with the surrounding woodland, incorporating the "soil on wood" building technique. This method eliminates the need for a conventional concrete foundation, making construction faster and more affordable. A distinctive feature of WOFATI houses is the large gable roof on the downhill side, often incorporating glazing to allow light penetration, while at least 35% of the uphill wall features windows for optimal passive solar gain. This strategic placement and sizing of windows is crucial for maximizing natural light and regulating internal temperature, contributing to the effectiveness of Annualized Thermal Inertia.

Some people have experienced greater health, better skin and more luxuriant hair by going "pooless" (no soap or shampoo in the shower). Also known as "pure water showers". Save money on buying stuff, plus shorter showers means saving money on hot water. And best of all, shorter showers means a few extra minutes on busy mornings.

Cast iron cookware can last hundreds of years while some other cookware needs to be replaced every 6 months. Cast iron is the true non-stick pan. When the surface is coated with a dab of oil or fat of your choice, eggs will slide freely.