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he willow feeder system is a sustainable and "freaky-cheap" approach to human waste management developed by permaculture expert Paul Wheaton. This system utilizes a dry environment inside sealed garbage cans to mummify human waste, which prevents composting and the release of pathogens. The system is designed to be a safe and effective alternative to conventional septic systems and sewage treatment plants. A small amount of sawdust is added to each can, mainly for aesthetics. After two years, the resulting pathogen-free material, referred to as "willow candy," can be safely used as fertilizer for trees that can handle its high nutrient content, known as "poop beasts." These trees include willow, cottonwood, poplar, and bamboo. The willow feeder system embodies permaculture principles by transforming human waste into a valuable resource for growing beneficial plants while minimizing environmental impact.
The berm shed is more than just a simple storage structure; its construction incorporates advanced techniques that prioritize sustainability, durability, and integration with the natural environment. Earthworks play a crucial role, as careful shaping of the landscape is required to create the berm that covers a portion of the shed's sloping roof. This berm acts as a natural insulator and thermal mass, helping to regulate temperature inside the structure. The "attic" cell design, as discussed in source, involves a specific configuration at the termination ends of the berm shed, further enhancing its thermal efficiency. Round wood timber framing, a technique using logs instead of dimensional lumber, is often employed, lending structural strength and a rustic aesthetic. A key consideration is the long-term durability of the wood in contact with soil. Source emphasizes the importance of peeling the bark from posts before burial to reduce the probability of rot, highlighting the evolution of construction techniques for increased longevity. Additionally, using gravel in post holes, as described in source, helps with drainage and further protects the wood from moisture. These advanced concepts, when combined, result in a berm shed that is not only functional and visually appealing but also a testament to sustainable building practices deeply rooted in permaculture principles.
The berm shed, a hallmark of permaculture design, is an eco-friendly, earth-sheltered structure renowned for its unique construction techniques. Earthworks are fundamental to its creation, as the surrounding landscape is carefully shaped to form the berm that will encase a portion of the shed's sloping roof. This berm serves a dual purpose, acting as both a natural insulator and a source of thermal mass, effectively regulating the internal temperature. The structural framework of the berm shed is often built using round wood timber framing, a technique that prioritizes using logs instead of conventional dimensional lumber, further enhancing its sustainable appeal. However, the longevity of these logs, especially when in contact with soil, is a crucial consideration. The sources recommend peeling the bark from posts before burying them, a technique born from experience and aimed at minimizing the risk of rot. Another technique for ensuring the durability of the structure involves incorporating gravel into the post holes. The gravel facilitates drainage, preventing water from pooling around the base of the posts and contributing to premature decay. These carefully considered details, combined with the innovative "attic" cell design at the termination ends of the shed, as described in source, showcase a commitment to sustainable building practices that go beyond mere functionality, exemplifying the core principles of permaculture.
"Pooless," a term often associated with permaculture and natural living, encourages ditching conventional shampoos and soaps for healthier hair, reduced chemical exposure, and a more sustainable lifestyle. This shift to natural hair care involves an adjustment period as the scalp rebalances its sebum production. However, feedback reveals a range of positive outcomes, making the transition worthwhile. Many individuals report achieving a natural balance, resulting in less oily hair and less frequent washing. Some experience improvements in hair texture, noticing increased volume and curl. The vinegar rinse, following a baking soda wash, is crucial for smoothing the hair cuticle and detangling, contributing to a healthier and more manageable mane. Beyond the aesthetic benefits, some users report a decrease in scalp problems, including dandruff and itchiness, potentially due to the absence of harsh chemicals. Others have even noted unexpected benefits like migraine relief, suggesting a potential connection between overall health and a more natural approach to personal care. "Poolessness" aligns with permaculture's principles of minimizing chemical usage and embracing natural processes, empowering individuals to take control of their health and reduce their environmental impact.