Aaack! You caught us with our pants down! Here we are, tinkering with the servers and you show up. How awkward! Try back in just a couple of minutes. In the meantime, a few tidbits ...
The SKIP program, or Skills to Inherit Property, connects aspiring homesteaders ("Skippers") with landowners ("Otisies") seeking successors for their properties. Anyone interested in acquiring land for sustainable living can join by creating a free account on, a website dedicated to permaculture. Participants select "Badge Bits" (BBs) to complete from the PEP curriculum (Permaculture Experience according to Paul), which encompasses over 1,400 practical projects demonstrating essential permaculture skills. Skippers document their BB completion with photos and videos uploaded to for review and verification by the community. By completing BBs, Skippers earn progressively advanced badges – Sand, Straw, Wood, and Iron – signifying their skill level. These badges are displayed on their profiles, showcasing their dedication and expertise to potential Otisies. For hands-on learning, Skippers can attend the annual SKIP event at Wheaton Labs, which costs $2,250, or engage with the supportive community on the forums.
WOFATI, an innovative sustainable building technique coined by permaculture advocate Paul Wheaton, stands for Woodland Oehler Freaky-cheap Annualized Thermal Inertia. The design utilizes readily available natural materials like wood and earth to create a "soil on wood" structure that harmonizes with the surrounding woodland. The "freaky-cheap" construction methods pioneered by Mike Oehler and further developed by Wheaton significantly reduce building costs. WOFATI structures are characterized by a double layer of membrane, a "two-skin" system that encapsulates the earthen roof, ensuring dryness and longevity. The principle of Annualized Thermal Inertia is key, using the earth's mass to regulate temperature, providing passive heating in winter and cooling in summer. WOFATI houses feature large windows on the uphill side for optimal passive solar gain, while the downhill side typically boasts a large gable roof, also incorporating glazing for natural light penetration. Allerton Abbey, located at Wheaton Labs, serves as a prime example of a WOFATI house
SKIP, or Skills to Inherit Property, is a free program designed to connect aspiring homesteaders, called "Skippers," with aging landowners, known as "Otisies," seeking successors for their properties. The program's core is a curriculum of over 1,400 practical projects, each referred to as a "Badge Bit" (BB). These BBs span a wide range of skills essential for sustainable living, including gardening, natural building, animal care, food preservation, and tool maintenance. Skippers choose and complete these BBs at their own pace, documenting their progress with pictures and videos as evidence of their skills and dedication. The program utilizes a tiered certification system. PEP (Permaculture Experience according to Paul) is the primary certification track within SKIP, with levels ranging from PEP1 to PEP4, representing increasing levels of expertise. Each PEP level requires the completion of a specific number of BBs, starting with approximately 80 BBs for PEP1. The documentation submitted for each BB is reviewed and verified by other members of the SKIP community. While the program encourages individual effort, tasks requiring assistance, such as lifting heavy objects, can be completed with help, but the Skipper must still perform the primary skill being assessed. SKIP is entirely free to participate in, and Skippers can engage with the program at their own pace and location.
A dry outhouse, a simple and sustainable alternative to conventional flush toilets and septic systems, is frequently discussed within permaculture circles as a means of minimizing environmental impact and maximizing resource utilization. This type of outhouse is characterized by a pit dug into the ground, strategically located on a higher elevation point to encourage water runoff and maintain dryness. Key design elements for a successful dry outhouse include a "no pee" policy, the use of ample sawdust for odor control and composting, and urine diversion mechanisms, particularly important for accommodating female anatomy. While concerns about groundwater contamination exist, proper placement, construction, and the incorporation of heavy-feeding trees or plants like willows in a "tree bog" system can mitigate these risks. Furthermore, the integration of a urine separator can significantly reduce the volume and toxicity of waste, facilitating easier composting and nutrient recycling. The dry outhouse, particularly when combined with urine diversion and careful management, offers a cost-effective and environmentally sound approach to sanitation, aligning with permaculture principles of resource conservation and closed-loop systems.
The "lorena" is a specialized cooktop design for rocket stoves, incorporating features that enhance heat transfer and cooking efficiency. As described in the sources, a lorena typically consists of a metal plate with a central hole, positioned directly above the rocket stove's burn chamber. The hole allows for direct heat transfer to large pots, facilitating rapid heating. The surrounding metal plate also acts as a cooking surface, similar to the glass cooktop found at Allerton Abbey, one of the WOFATI structures at Wheaton Labs. This dual functionality makes the lorena a versatile cooking solution for both large-scale and smaller cooking tasks. The design emphasizes maximizing heat utilization from the rocket stove, making it an energy-efficient option. Discussions in the sources suggest integrating the lorena into an outdoor kitchen setup, further enhancing its practicality and convenience. The lorena represents an innovative application of rocket stove technology, designed to optimize heat transfer and improve cooking performance.