Aaack! You caught us with our pants down! Here we are, tinkering with the servers and you show up. How awkward! Try back in just a couple of minutes. In the meantime, a few tidbits ...
he willow feeder system is a sustainable and "freaky-cheap" approach to human waste management developed by permaculture expert Paul Wheaton. This system utilizes a dry environment inside sealed garbage cans to mummify human waste, which prevents composting and the release of pathogens. The system is designed to be a safe and effective alternative to conventional septic systems and sewage treatment plants. A small amount of sawdust is added to each can, mainly for aesthetics. After two years, the resulting pathogen-free material, referred to as "willow candy," can be safely used as fertilizer for trees that can handle its high nutrient content, known as "poop beasts." These trees include willow, cottonwood, poplar, and bamboo. The willow feeder system embodies permaculture principles by transforming human waste into a valuable resource for growing beneficial plants while minimizing environmental impact.
WOFATI structures demonstrate remarkable effectiveness due to their unique design features and emphasis on passive systems. The "two-skin" system, characterized by a double layer of membrane, protects the structure from moisture, ensuring dryness and longevity. WOFATI designs prioritize the use of natural and locally sourced materials, primarily wood and earth, significantly reducing the building's environmental impact and embodying the "freaky-cheap" philosophy pioneered by Mike Oehler. The core principle of "Annualized Thermal Inertia" harnesses the earth's thermal mass to regulate temperature fluctuations, providing passive heating in the winter and cooling in the summer. Large windows strategically placed on the uphill side, along with a spacious gable roof on the downhill side, often incorporating glazing, maximize passive solar gain, further enhancing energy efficiency. By minimizing reliance on artificial heating and cooling systems, WOFATIs achieve substantial energy savings. Allerton Abbey, the first WOFATI built at Wheaton Labs, exemplifies the practicality and success of this building technique
Made of ancient diatom skeletons, diatomaceous earth is edible to mammals but deadly to insects. De scratches through a bug's waxy exoskeleton coating turning their innards to teeny tiny bug jerky.