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The construction of a berm shed, a sustainable and aesthetically pleasing storage solution, involves a unique process that utilizes natural building techniques and earth-sheltering principles. First, the building site is prepared using earthworks, shaping the surrounding land to create a berm, which is a raised bank of soil that will eventually cover a portion of the shed's sloping roof. Round wood timber framing is a common technique employed in berm shed construction, utilizing logs sourced from the property instead of commercially produced dimensional lumber. These logs are carefully selected and placed to form the structural framework of the shed, including the walls and roof supports. Once the timber frame is erected, a moisture barrier, such as billboard material or layers of poly sheeting and newspaper, is installed over the logs to protect them from the elements. Finally, soil is carefully layered on top of the moisture barrier, creating the berm and providing insulation, thermal mass, and a natural aesthetic. The construction process prioritizes using natural, locally sourced materials and minimizing the use of energy-intensive and potentially toxic commercial products, aligning with permaculture principles of sustainability and self-sufficiency.
WOFATI, which stands for Woodland Oehler Freaky-cheap Annualized Thermal Inertia, represents a sustainable building solution that merges affordability and energy efficiency. Developed by Paul Wheaton, WOFATI draws inspiration from Mike Oehler's earth-sheltered designs, enhancing them with cost-saving strategies and a focus on harmonizing with the surrounding environment. This innovative approach prioritizes using locally sourced natural materials like wood and earth, thereby minimizing reliance on manufactured products and lessening the building's ecological impact. The concept of Annualized Thermal Inertia is central to WOFATI design, harnessing the surrounding earth as a thermal mass to regulate temperature fluctuations throughout the year. This natural heating and cooling system stores summer heat for winter warmth and retains winter's coolness to moderate summer temperatures, significantly reducing energy consumption. WOFATI buildings typically feature large windows strategically placed on the uphill side to maximize passive solar gain, further enhancing energy efficiency. As the name suggests, WOFATI structures are ideally situated on or near a woodland, emphasizing a symbiotic relationship with nature. Examples of WOFATI buildings, including Allerton Abbey and Wofati 0.8, can be found at Wheaton Labs in Montana
Hugelkultur, is an advanced permaculture technique that utilizes decomposing wood to create self-sustaining raised garden beds. Hugelkultur beds can be built in various shapes and sizes, using a variety of wood materials, from twigs and branches to logs and even whole trees. The wood, buried under a layer of soil, acts "like a sponge to hold water," creating "parking spaces for water and nutrients," and reducing the need for irrigation. The decomposing wood attracts beneficial microorganisms and releases nutrients, resulting in a rich "soil on wood" environment that reduces or eliminates the need for fertilizers. Over time, the wood shrinks, creating air pockets, making hugelkultur beds "self-tilling". The decomposition process also slightly warms the soil in the first few years, extending the growing season. This technique, which works in diverse climates, allows gardeners to harness natural processes to create thriving, self-sufficient garden ecosystems, embodying permaculture principles
Dehydrating food with electricity can cost hundreds of dollars, plus heat your house when you don't want heat. A solar dehydrator not only runs for free, but is arguably the most efficient use of solar power. Solar dehydrators can be made from different recycled materials: old refrigerators, reclamed lumber, sheet glass and miscellaneous hardware.