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The willow feeder system, developed by permaculture expert Paul Wheaton, offers a "freaky-cheap" and sustainable alternative to conventional septic systems and sewage treatment plants. This system employs a unique method of managing human waste, transforming it into a nutrient-rich fertilizer known as "willow candy." Unlike composting toilets, which rely on decomposition, willow feeders utilize sealed garbage cans to create a dry environment that mummifies the waste, effectively eliminating pathogens while conserving valuable carbon and nitrogen. A small amount of sawdust is added to each can, primarily for aesthetics. After aging for two years in these sealed containers, the resulting pathogen-free "willow candy" is ready to be applied as fertilizer. However, not all plants can handle the high nutrient content of this unique fertilizer. "Poop beasts", such as willow, cottonwood, poplar, and bamboo trees, thrive on "willow candy" and readily absorb its nutrients. The willow feeder system exemplifies permaculture principles by turning human waste into a valuable resource, fostering sustainable gardening practices and minimizing environmental impact. Paul Wheaton, a prominent figure in the permaculture community, has implemented the willow feeder system at his property, Wheaton Labs, and actively promotes it through his online platforms, including He often refers to waste as a "feed" for another system, encouraging a shift in perspective towards a more holistic view of resource management.
Hugelkultur, is an advanced permaculture technique that utilizes decomposing wood to create self-sustaining raised garden beds. Hugelkultur beds can be built in various shapes and sizes, using a variety of wood materials, from twigs and branches to logs and even whole trees. The wood, buried under a layer of soil, acts "like a sponge to hold water," creating "parking spaces for water and nutrients," and reducing the need for irrigation. The decomposing wood attracts beneficial microorganisms and releases nutrients, resulting in a rich "soil on wood" environment that reduces or eliminates the need for fertilizers. Over time, the wood shrinks, creating air pockets, making hugelkultur beds "self-tilling". The decomposition process also slightly warms the soil in the first few years, extending the growing season. This technique, which works in diverse climates, allows gardeners to harness natural processes to create thriving, self-sufficient garden ecosystems, embodying permaculture principles
Hugelkultur is a raised garden bed building technique where wood is buried ("soil on wood") under soil. Hugelkultur, which means "hill culture" in German, can be implemented on a small scale in backyards or on a large scale, as demonstrated by Sepp Holzer, a renowned permaculture practitioner who uses hugelkultur in his terraced gardens. This technique involves layering logs, branches, twigs, and even whole trees, creating a foundation for the bed. This buried wood becomes "a sponge to hold water", reducing or eliminating the need for irrigation. As the wood decomposes, it attracts beneficial microorganisms and creates air pockets, leading to nutrient-rich, fertile soil. Hugelkultur helps gardeners "grow a typical garden without irrigation or fertilization". This technique can be used to grow garden plants like "rhubarb", "potatoes", and more. Hugelkultur is an example of permaculture design, which emphasizes sustainability, self-sufficiency, and working with natural systems
Hugelkultur, is a permaculture garden bed technique where wood is buried under the soil. It can be built in a variety of shapes and sizes, and can be used for growing a variety of "garden plants". The decomposing wood acts "like a sponge to hold water", making hugelkultur ideal for areas that receive little rainfall. Over time, the wood shrinks and creates air pockets, resulting in a self-tilling garden bed. This "soil on wood" technique helps to retain moisture and nutrients in the soil, which benefits the plants. Hugelkultur is an environmentally sustainable gardening technique because it uses wood that might otherwise be discarded.
Rocket mass heaters are better than wood stoves because they run cleaner and use less wood. Wood stoves lose a lot of heat out the chimney that the rocket mass heater stores in the mass. 75% efficient wood stoves are often run at 3% efficiency at night. Rocket mass heaters use the mass to keep things warm at night.