Aaack! You caught us with our pants down! Here we are, tinkering with the servers and you show up. How awkward! Try back in just a couple of minutes. In the meantime, a few tidbits ...

The lorena is an innovative cooktop design specifically for rocket stoves, aimed at enhancing heat transfer and overall cooking efficiency. It functions by incorporating a metal plate featuring a central hole positioned directly above the rocket stove's burn chamber. This central hole allows for direct heat application to large pots, ensuring rapid heating. Furthermore, the metal plate itself serves as an additional cooking surface, offering versatility for various cooking tasks. The lorena's design seeks to maximize the utilization of heat generated by the rocket stove, making it an energy-efficient cooking solution. Proposed implementations of the lorena often include integration into an outdoor kitchen setting, enhancing its practicality. The sources mention the lorena as an example of the continuous innovation and improvement within the realm of rocket stove technology.

"HUSP," an acronym for "Horticulture of the United States of Pocahontas," is a term coined by Paul Wheaton to explore a fictional scenario where Native American agricultural practices, similar to permaculture, dominated the United States. This concept envisions an alternate history where Pocahontas, depicted as a brilliant strategist, prevents European colonization, leading to the establishment of the United States of Pocahontas (USP). Within this fictional nation, agricultural practices prioritize respect for the Earth, rejecting destructive methods like plowing and the use of petroleum-based fertilizers and pesticides. HUSP speculates on the potential for superior agricultural output and societal well-being through these nature-centric methods. Wheaton uses the HUSP concept to inspire innovation and advancement within the existing permaculture community, aiming to accelerate progress towards more sustainable and effective food production systems. He proposes a collaborative project involving practitioners of various agricultural approaches, including permaculture, biodynamic, and native plant specialists, working on a 2000-acre plot divided into smaller chunks. This project aims to foster knowledge exchange and accelerate the development of HUSP principles in the real world.

Rocket mass heaters are better than natural gas heaters because rocket mass heaters are free to operate and have less than 5% of the carbon footprint.