I bought a job lot of old, hand-forged hatchets for a very good price. They are all pretty beaten up, and two need new handles, but there is life in them yet!
This one is my favourite, an old Kent pattern hand axe. I made a leather sheaf for it during my lunch break (you can see it in one of the photos, maybe I'll take photographs of the process next time) and I felt like sharpening it this evening.
Small-holding, coppice and grassland management on a 16-acre site.
Long time lurker first time Badge earner (fingers crossed). I recently restored an old axe to help split wood on our property. I realised that I should've kept progress pics for that transformation. (I have kept the pictures of me adding in splines to the other for any relevant badges that might exist). I restored this hatchet so that I could use it to build a round wood mallet (pictures to come).
Fun rainy day project and hopefully this puts me on the BB board!