Love Ruth Stout, have her hard cover book from the 1970's, long before the jonnie come lately changed a few word & hijacked her methods.
Most of the new books that everyone tells me I should read, when they find out I garden, are clever rewrites of Ruth Stouts book.
They update the new buzz words so young gardeners will buy their books & most of the stuff has been around for well over sixty years.
She lived it long before she wrote anything for a magazine or a book, tried & true, did not care about the money like many of the posers of today.
I found out a 5 gallon bucket can quickly get too heavy for me, so I filled it partway 5 times to equal 2 bucketfuls. Some were general food scraps, but the bulk was where I cleaned stuff out of my freezer. I had chronic fatigue and other health issues for a couple of years, so some produce sat in the freezer instead of getting cooked. They weren't packaged well enough to avoid severe freezer burn for that long.
I had some chop and drop areas that needed much more mulch, so I pulled the thin layer of chopped stuff aside, dumped the buckets, and covered with wood chips.
Bucket 1 with mulch pulled aside
Bucket 1 emptied and mulched
Bucket 2
Bucket 2 emptied and mulched
Bucket 3
Bucket 3 emptied and mulched
Bucket 4
Bucket 4 emptied and mulched
Bucket 5
Bucket 5 emptied and mulched
(Reminder to myself) God didn't say, "well said, well planned, and well thought out." He said, "well done."
Nikki's Wishlist
To document your completion of the BB, provide the following:
- a photo of the bucket of kitchen scraps next to the opened mulch
- a photo of the empty bucket and the new mound of mulch
- repeat for second bucket
- describe the volume of your bucket(s) and how full they were
These were two full five gallon buckets.
I've been mulching over my lawn recently, coverting it into a food forest and need to build up the soil, so.... BB time!
1st bucket beside opened mulch
1st bucket emptied and mulched back over
2nd bucket beside next spot and opened mulch
2nd bucket emptied and mulched over
Striving to grow things as naturally, simply, and cheaply as possible! My YouTube channel
Over the summer of 2021, I collected and deposited 4 10 litter buckets of kitchen scraps in 2 different areas of my gardens. 40 liters of kitchen scraps is equivalent to 10.56 gallons and thus fulfills the requirements for the Ruth Stout composting BB. I have attached pictures of all the buckets and the before and after pictures of covering the scraps with mulch.
Exciting to learn this is a common method! While I have a compost bin and worm bin setup, started doing this out of laziness a while back and have seen great results. Started adding some to a new garden row mulched mostly with leaves.
- describe the volume of your bucket(s) and how full they were
2 x 4 gallon (full) & 1 x 4 gallon (1/4 full) 1 x 5 gallon (half full) = ~10 gallons
- a photo of the bucket of kitchen scraps next to the opened mulch
- a photo of the empty bucket and the new mound of mulch
Someone flagged this submission as not complete. BBV price: 1 Note: a minimum requirement "- Start with two areas that have already been mulched (or mulch two places) "
Well done on your Badge Bit. They are not always that easy to interpret or get right the first time. Well done. I note that you are fairly new to posting so for BBs, I tend to look at what others have done for the same BB and try to copy them. I usually look at someone with the most BBs or PEP 1.
Looking forward to seeing more BBs in the not to distant future.
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