Today I used the tractor at SKIP 22'
I moved 5 Scoops of gravel at WL
Here is my submission for (5) Five Scoops Using Tractor Loader- PEPBB earthworks.sand.tractor:
To get certified for this BB, I am posting the following pics.
- Pile of materials to be moved
- The destination space
- Action pic of me dumping pile
- a pic of the source pile at completion
- a pic of the destination at completion
Here is my submission for the 5 scoops with a tractor BB. This was at Wheaton Labs with excellent instruction from Stephen.
Attached are pictures of:
- The pile of material before you begin
- The destination before you begin
- action pic
- a pic of the source pile at completion
- a pic of the destination at completion
Edit: pictures got tangled, added actual picture of target location before scoops
Here is my submission for 5 scoops Using Tractor Loader - PEP BB earthworks.sand.tractor:
- it must appear that at least five scoops was moved
To get certified for this BB, I am providing five pics.
- The pile of material before I began
- The destination before I began
- action pic
- a pic of the source pile at completion
- a pic of the destination at completion
I got the opportunity to rent a tractor and spread some dirt on the property. Since I had the dirt delivered right where I needed it for the sake of efficiency, both the source pile and the destination are in the same frame.
We had the dirt delivered right where we needed it so the source pile and the destination is in the same frame. We were just using the tractor to spread the dirt to level the land. You can see it was defintely moved and spread using that beautiful tractor!!
YouTube fame linked here
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing... 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Paul Fookes flagged this submission as not complete. BBV price: 1 Note: Sorry Kristi, the BB requires " it must appear that at least five scoops was moved " The key word is "scoop" But good video.
Here is my submission for "5 scoops Using Tractor Loader - PEP BB earthworks.sand.tractor":
I am providing photos of the following:
- The pile of material before you begin
- The destination before you begin
- action pic
- a pic of the source pile at completion
- a pic of the destination at completion
I have a huge pile of arborist chips and the spot that needs the chips is about 100' away. I have a garden tractor with a front push blade, think snow plow. Will using this tool 'count'?
I'm in the process of building my first hugelkultur bed, and I didn't want to bury the little bit of top soil I've been trying to cultivate. First I scraped the top soil off, then I added the trees, and finally I covered the trees with some pretty sandy dirt that's easy to scoop. I don't know enough about hugelkultur beds to know if this is a mistake, but I've been working hard to try and develop some decent soil over the last few years, and dirt is cheap and easy to get for filler.