This is a badge bit (
BB) that is part of the
PEP Curiculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the
straw badge in
In this Badge Bit you will cover something with a tarp in such a way that it stays secure for six months.
Tarp stands for tarpaulin! A good way to keep something safe and dry is to throw a tarp on it, but make sure to keep in mind high winds,
water pockets, and snow accumulation when tarping.
Here are some articles and
video about tarps:
One way to tarp a wood pile
About tarps and covering various things
To complete this BB minimum requirements are:
-cover something with a tarp
-secure the tarp
-show the tarp is still secure six months later
To show you've completed this Badge Bit, you must:
-post a picture of uncovered thing
-post a picture of the thing partway covered
-post pictures showing tarp on the thing and how the tarp is secured on all sides (picture of front and picture of back) with date stamp
-post a picture of the tarp still secure without intervention six months later with date stamp
-post a video of the above (less than two minutes long)