Should I dance a reel? (Strip the Willow... Geddit?!)
They say time's the great healer, and that's true. It's just not a very good anaesthetist, is the problem,
Whose lunar deity is not male is destined to be dominated by his wife. -- Old Hindu proverb
Rebekah Harmon approved this submission. Note: nice stripping, Jojo! I once heard the famous indigenous American, David Holladay, say concerning willow bark "just like we used to say about our own skins: "the redder, the better!" meaning that there are bits of some willows that are reddish. Those have stronger medicine, it is believed. But there is salicylic acid in them all
Rebekah -- that's interesting! And it's stuck in my memory now, which could come in handy at some point.
They say time's the great healer, and that's true. It's just not a very good anaesthetist, is the problem,
Whose lunar deity is not male is destined to be dominated by his wife. -- Old Hindu proverb
Jennifer Richardson wrote:This is a badge bit (BB) that is part of the PEP curriculum. Completing this BB is part of getting the sand badge in Natural Medicine.
For this BB, you will create a decoction of willow bark. Decoction is a method of extracting desired compounds from plant material by boiling/simmering the material.
Minimum requirements:
- Make a decoction
- Strain and store your decoction
To document completion of the BB, provide proof of the following as pictures or a video (< 2 minutes):
- Willow Bark (either being harvested or just harvested)
- Making the decoction
- Finished decoction in its labeled jar